The Ultimate Guide to Dental Implants: Getting Your Smile Back

dental implants


Dental implants technique supports false teeth, know everything about it.

Dental implants are considered a new dental technology, but they are actually an old technology. It was founded by a swedish orthopedic surgeon. It is a surgery that replaces the roots of teeth. Dental implants have different sizes and types. A dental implants doctor can help you determine which option is best for you based on your particular needs. Today we will try to understand about dental implants through this article.


According to Jonathan Penkas, author of the book Dental Implants Made Easy, “Dental implants restore missing teeth for people with incomplete smiles. They replace permanent teeth lost from disease, trauma or neglect. Dental implants improve the smile and tooth function in a way. Dental implants help people take control of their oral health. Implants are considered a permanent teeth replacement, because titanium implants actually become a permanent part of your jaw structure”.


What is a dental implant?


Many people want to know about this. Dental implants are used to support artificial teeth. In this process, a screw made of a metal called titanium is inserted into the jaw. It is placed in the jaw bone just like the root of a tooth. It is kept in the mouth for a few months so that they join together through osteointegration and the screw fits in it permanently. Dental implant works in place of the root of a missing tooth, i.e. it is also known as an artificial tooth root.


Benefits of getting dental implants

dental implant


It makes you better. After getting it done, no one can recognize you that you don't have teeth.

This allows you to talk better. Weak teeth cause difficulty in speaking.

After getting it done, it becomes easier for you to eat food. You can eat whatever you like without any tension.

After getting it done, your confidence increases and you feel better.


Types of Dental Implants


The types of dental implants are:


Endosteal :


This dental implant is placed in the jaws. It is usually made of titanium and is shaped like a small screw. Mostly endosteal implants are used. One or more artificial teeth can be attached to this implant. If you want to get endosteal implants, the doctor will examine you and he will check some things to see if endosteal implants can be done or not. For this, it is very important for you to fulfill these important criteria such as:

Your teeth as well as your overall health should be good.

Your gums and gum tissue should be healthy.

Your jaws should be fully developed.

Your jaws should have sufficient bones.

You should not wish to wear dentures.

You should not consume tobacco.

Not only this, you will have to give a few weeks or months of your time so that the whole process can be done smoothly. If your dentist feels that you are not right for endosteal implants, then he can also give you other options.




In subperiosteal dental implants, the implant is placed below the gums, but it is above the jaws. This implant is used on those patients whose jaws are not naturally healthy or those who do not want to undergo bone augmentation procedure. In this situation, the dentist can advise you for subperiosteal implants. Apart from this, he can also adopt other methods such as:


Bone augmentation


In bone augmentation, bone is added and repaired in your jaws by using factors that add and grow bones.


Ridge expansion


This is the process in which bone graft material is added to a small ridge created on the top of the jaw.


Sinus augmentation


This is the process in which bone is added below the sinuses, which is called sinus elevation and sinus lift.

The bone augmentation, ridge expansion and sinus augmentation are the methods in which the diseased jaw bones are made strong enough to handle the endosteal implants method.


Zygomatic Implants


This method of dental implants is used the least. Not only this, it is also the most complex procedure, it should be done only when you are not at all capable of getting endosteal implants. These implants are placed on the cheek bone instead of the jaw bone of the patient.


Note:  3D Imaging

Now as technology advances, dentists can also view our jaws in 3D models. By studying the software, your dentist can choose the right implant procedure for you.


Immediate load dental implants


The dental implant method works just like changing a tire on your car. Only, it is not the tire that is replaced, but the teeth are replaced, but this procedure gives temporary space to your temporary teeth.


Mini dental implants


These are toothpick-sized implants and are very narrow. They are used especially to give stability to lower dentures. They are not as new as other methods, but you can try them if you want.


All-on-4 implants


There is an option to place a set of teeth above or below, called a full arch. Four dental implants are placed in the strongest bone basically the basal bone, avoiding the need for bone grafting. Special abutments are used to give temporary teeth to patients on a same day. For this, you follow a fixed diet. The implants fuse with your natural bone. Meanwhile, after about six months, permanent replacement teeth will be placed and you can resume a regular diet.


How much does it cost to get dental implants? (Dental Implants Costing)


The cost of a single dental implant can be around Rs 20,000 to Rs 50,000, but it depends on the type and company of dental implants you are using. This price also depends on how many teeth you need to replace. Usually, the life of a dental implant can be up to about 10 years. If your teeth are broken, you should immediately consult your dentist and know about the right dental implant for your teeth and get it done.



What factors can affect the success of a dental implant?

Many factors can affect the success of a dental implant.

These include the following –

Gum disease

It is very important for your gums to be strong to get a dental implant. If you have any disease in your gums, then this procedure cannot be done.

Gum disease is a condition in which infection starts developing in the gums and jaw bone. If this infection is not treated, it can develop around the implant, due to which the implant fails.


Smoking can also cause problems with dental implants. In fact, smoking does not allow blood flow to the gums, which delays the healing process. According to several studies, 20 percent of dental implants in smokers are at risk of failure.

Health problems

If you have autoimmune diseases or rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, then the chances of failure of dental implants can increase. Failure of dental implants is also possible due to certain types of medicines.


Poor dental care

Oral hygiene after dental implants also affects the success rate. If you are unable to clean your teeth properly or have restrictions due to any other oral defect, then you cannot get dental implants.

If you are going for dental implants, then prepare some questions for your surgeon. Following are some of the questions that you can ask your dental team.


Ask the dentist how many years of experience he has?


How many dental implants has he done so far? And how many does he do in a year?


What is the success rate of dental implants done by the dentist?


This is because sometimes the success of dental implants can be reduced due to inexperienced dental surgeons. Not all surgeons are the same, due to which there is a possibility of increased failure rate if dental implants are done by an inexperienced surgeon.

I hope now you have got the answer to what is a dental implant and also know its cost and types.